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尺寸 Size

  • 475 x 400 x 245 mm

  • 18.7 x 15.7 x 6.9 in


產品描述 Features

  • 復古外觀設計,讓煮食更添一份風味

  • 18公斤容量,底部加闊設計,不論烤肉、薄餅、蛋糕、麵包都非常適合                     

  • 可調節烤爐內溫度,最高可以到230°C,並具溫度指示燈,烤焗煮食可以更細緻

  • 計時器比市面同類焗爐長,可計時60分鐘

  • 具三種發熱功能,上方、下方又或上下方同時發熱,烹煮更加方便

  • 烤爐門為雙層玻璃,焗爐更耐用

  • 功率(瓦): 1380W


  • Electric oven, 18 liters capacity, perfect also for cooking pizza thanks to its enlarged bottom. Complete with steel grill and aluminum tray, it has an adjustable timer up to 60 minutes with end-of-time signal and settable temperature up to 230°C,  temperature light, 3 cooking positions (above only, below only, above and below) and double glass.

  • Power: 1380W

979/05 經典復古系焗爐 (藍色) Vintage Oven (Blue)

庫存單位: 979/05

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