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產品描述 Features:


Marcato的意大利面切麵滾筒 ,用於將自製麵食麵團切成長條面,正方形和其他意大利面形狀

  •  意大利製造; 9個可互換的輪子很容易起飛並重新加上來創造不同的寬度
  • 輕鬆地將意大利麵團切成條狀麵條,如pappardelle,reginette,crostoli或意大利式餃子切面,以及agnolotti
  • 均勻地切割麵團條以保持一致的烹飪時間和風味; 新鮮的意大利面可以乾燥並儲存起來以供以後使用,或者立即烹飪並享用
  • 使用方便; 用乾刷或布擦拭乾淨


Marcato’s Pasta Bike for hand cutting homemade pasta dough into long noodles, squares, and other pasta shapes

  • 9 interchangeable wheels are easy to take off and add back on to create different widths
  • Easily cut sheets of pasta dough into ribbon noodles, like pappardelle, reginette, crostoli, or cut squares for tortellini, and circles for agnolotti
  • Cuts dough strips evenly for consistent cook time and flavor; fresh pasta can be dried and stored for later use, or cooked and enjoyed immediately
  • Easy to use; wipe with dry brush or cloth


庫存單位: PBBLU

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