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- 適合中小型餐廳

- Suitable for small and medium sized restaurant


總功率 Total Loading

  - 4.7kW / 9.2kW

用電規格 Electrical Rating

  - 220V, 50Hz, 1p   /   380V, 50Hz, 3p


清洗量 Capacity

  - 60 racks/h   /   1,800 plates/h


洗滌時間 Cycle Time

  - 60/75/99 sec

主洗及升溫器容量 Wash & Rinse Tank

  - 35L, 22L


主洗及漂洗溫度 Wash & Rinse Temperature

  - 60-70'C, 85-95'C


安裝尺寸 Dimension

  - 620 x 615 x 1350 mm

產品描述 Features :

高耐用性 High Durability

  - 外殼、內部及水箱皆採用304鋼板 (1.0-1.2T) 的韓國鋼材鑄造,使耐用性大大提升

  - Unique water tank designs to allow easy cleaning. Outer case, interior and tank are built with

   SUS 304 grade stainless steel (1.0 - 1.2T) for high durability


不銹鋼洗水及過水臂 Stainless Steel Washing and Rinsing Spray Arms

  - 機箱內上下均設有洗水及過水臂,不會錯過清洗任何盲區

  - Spray arms are designed to prove specified spraying angles to eliminate from missing any blind spots.

圓形透視 Round Window 

  - 透過圓形透視窗監察機內運作, 確保清洗過程之衛生及安全

  - Round window on hoop cap for easy viewing of the cleaning procedure inside the equipment.

    Ensure the sanitation and safety of the cleaning process 



主水箱加熱棒  Wash Tank Heating Device

  - 500W 加熱棒可快速加熱主洗水箱

  - 500 W heater device is installed to speed up the heating process and to maintain water temperature


智能檢修系統  SMART Maintenance System

  - 透過系統可在不拆開機器之情況下檢查部份運作, 減少因拆件而造成的損耗

  - With SMART PCB system, inspection can be done without dismantling the equipments

SPJ-1001 揭蓋式洗碗機 Top-Load Dishwasher

庫存單位: SPJ-1001
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