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尺寸 Size

  • 125 x 84 x 38 mm
  • 4-7/8 x 3-3/8 x 1-1/2 inch


產品描述 Features

  • 輕鬆省力,開出的罐頭邊口平滑不手 
  • 二合一功能,操作簡易,適用於開罐頭及樽蓋 
  • 開罐後,請將把手向反方向扭動,便能自動鬆開 
  • 手柄設防跣功能,輕巧易握


  • Open can with ease and smooth edge on the rim.
  • Easy to operate 2-in-1 can and bottle opener.
  • Twist the handle in reverse direction to release the can opener.
  • Non-slip handle for easy gripping.


  • 轻松省力,开出的罐头边口平滑不手 
  • 二合一功能,操作简易,适用于开罐头及樽盖 
  • 开罐后,请将把手向反方向扭动,便能自动松开 
  • 手柄设防跣功能,轻巧易握


庫存單位: HW0135
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