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尺寸 Size

  • 292 x 134 x 11 mm
  • 11-1/2 x  5-1/4 x 3/8 inch


產品描述 Features

  • 可乾濕兩用 
  • 抺布獨特的纖維和環狀設計,提升纖維拖把清潔功效 (1) 深色纖維:靜電吸附毛髮灰塵 (2) 淺色纖維:清潔頑固污垢 3.用途廣泛,適用於雲石地面 ˴ 室內及陽台瓷磚和木質地板等表面


  • Use wet or dry.
  • Unique wedge-shaped fiber and looped design to enhance the effectiveness of fiber mop.
  • (i) Dark color fiber: Excellent at lifting and trapping dust and hair.
  • (ii) Light color fiber: Clean stubborn dirt.
  • Suitable for balcony, marble tile and wooden floor.


  • 可干湿两用 
  • 抺布独特的纤维和环状设计,提升纤维拖把清洁功效 (1) 深色纤维:静电吸附毛发灰尘 (2) 浅色纤维:清洁顽固污垢 3.用途广泛,适用于云石地面 ˴ 室内及阳台瓷砖和木质地板等表面


庫存單位: HW0137
COLOR: green
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