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  • 305 x 205 x  mm
  • 12 x W 8-1/8 x  inch


產品描述 Features

  • 獨特立體纖紋路設計,提升靜電摩擦吸塵效能 
  • 可深入縫隙處,徹底吸附微塵、毛髮及灰塵 
  • 正反面皆可通用,適用於任何牌子除塵靜電拖把 
  • 適用於房間、客廳、廚房 


  • Unique stereoscopic fiber texture for better static effect.
  • Clean between narrow spaces to pick up dust, hair, etc.
  • Both sides can be used.
  • Dispose after each use.
  • Effective, anti-bacteria, and convenient.
  • Suitable with dusters of any brand.
  • Suitable for cleaning wooden floor, marble, tiles, ceilings, and furniture, etc.
  • Light weight, easy to handle and clean.
  • Non-liquid absorbing, do not use with water or chemical detergents. 


  • 独特立体纤纹路设计,提升静电摩擦吸尘效能 
  • 可深入缝隙处,彻底吸附微尘、毛发及灰尘 
  • 正反面皆可通用,适用于任何牌子除尘静电拖把 
  • 适用于房间、客厅、厨房 


庫存單位: HW0129
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