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Oracle 高速焗爐

Oracle High Speed Oven

庫存單位 Item No: ORAC2

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產品詳情 Product Detail

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容量 Capacity (升/L)

  - 17.2
腔體尺寸 Cavity dimensions (毫米/mm)

  - 312 x 312 x 178 h
外形尺寸 External dimensions (毫米/mm)

  - 358 x 743 x 578 h
淨重 Net weight (公斤 /KG)

  - 53
總功率 Total electric power (KW)

  - 5.95
消耗量 Consumption (A)

  - 16
電源電壓 Power supply voltage (V)

  - 3N AC 400V

產品描述 Features :

- 强大的功能和速度满足所有烹饪、烘烤的需求
- 三种加热方式可制作出各种美味佳肴
- 微波除霜功能
- 能夠存儲1200個烹飪程序
- 7英寸可自定制的觸摸屏顯示屏

- Powerful functions and speeds meet all cooking and baking needs
- Three heating methods can produce a variety of delicious dishes
- Microwave defrost function
- Ability to store 1200 cooking programs
- 7” fully customizable touch screen display

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